PANORAMA "We are Water" (APP SUNCINE)VIEWS (APP + betevé)

Guardians of the Lake

Lake Atitlán, a natural wonder, is polluted with tons of plastic. Indigenous women aj tz'utujil are fighting to save the lake, which faces severe contamination. They secured a local ban on single-use plastics and are now demanding that businesses ...
José Morales Ferruli
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Guardians of the Lake

Lake Atitlán, a natural wonder, is polluted with tons of plastic. Indigenous women aj tz'utujil are fighting to save the lake, which faces severe contamination. They secured a local ban on single-use plastics and are now demanding that businesses take responsibility for their waste. Known as the "Guardians of the Lake," these women are leading the fight against environmental destruction.

Country GTM
Direction José Morales Ferruli
Duration 23'
Production year 2023