Water For Life (Presencial BARCELONA)

Water for Life” tells the story of three extraordinary individuals: Berta Cáceres, a leader of the Lenca people in Honduras (herself the subject of last year’s Festival selection “I Am Bertha”); Francisco Pineda, a subsistence farmer in El Salvador; and Alberto Curamil, an indigenous Mapuche leader

OFFICIAL: Cinemas + CaixaForum+

This Jungo Life (BARCELONA)

THIS JUNGO LIFE" takes us deep inside the lives of young refugees and asylum seekers from Sudan, living and sleeping rough on the streets of Morocco; forced to flee violence and instability in Libya, and unable to return home due to ongoing war and conflict. With unique and intimate access, we are ...

OFFICIAL Ñ: Cinemas + APP SUNCINEGender Perspective

The Route of the Conquerors (CALAFELL)

In times of global ecological crisis, Costa Rica seems to be an oasis for its rich biodiversity. Nacho traces a route to learn about agroecological projects, discovering what the indigenous communities call "good living".  Could this be the solution? 5 NOV - 19h - TEATRE JOAN COLET DE ...

Atrium Theatre | Viladecans

Due to the weather alert, the screenings have been rescheduled to November 12 and 13.

12 nov | 20h | Together for Water
13 nov | 20h | First We Bombed New Mexico

Free admission

Institut Francés Barcelona

Talking with Cyril Dion - NOV 7 | 19h - Fee admission

Film screening: "A New World" and at the end,
we will offer a vegan paella tasting.

Closing Film

"Alone in Greenland" by Unai Canela

Festival Sections



The screenings at SUNCINE will take place in Calafell, at the Teatre Joan Colet; in Barcelona, at the Institut Français, Cinemes Girona, and CaixaForum; and in Viladecans, at the Atrium. Once the Festival is over, screenings will be held in various cities across Catalonia and the rest of Spain throughout the year.


The festival has its own platform: the SUNCINE APP, where 80% of its programming can be viewed for free, and it is also available on partner platforms like Play RENFE, CaixaForum+, Xarxa de Televisions Locals, and 3Cat, reaching the entire Spanish territory. Additionally, SUNCINE has its own channel on CaixaForum+ throughout the year.


During the Festival, Betevé, Barcelona’s public television station, offers a "SUNCINE SPECIAL," featuring a selection of international documentaries that provide a global view of the state of our planet.


This is a free online space for all educational centers, featuring short audiovisuals that can be shown in the classroom and used as a study tool to generate debate and foster students’ critical thinking.

With the Support of
In Collaboration with
Media Partners